About the Blogger

My Story
(The Abbreviated Version)

Hi there, world wide web! My name is Robyn, and as of last February, I have been diagnosed with Lyme disease.  Along with some nasty co-infections and the like.  I'm finally in the recovery stage of my journey, and I'm incredibly grateful, but man is it a bumpy ride!  Anti-malaria medicine, antibiotics for miles, all the fun side effects of these various drugs... yummy.

I started this blog back before I had a diagnosis, and the support I've received from the people I've met here has just been phenomenal.  If you're chronically ill, with or without diagnosis, please take a minute to say "hi"-- our journeys may be different, but I'm pretty sure we'll find some things in common.

This blog is a place where I share my struggles, what helps me, what makes me laugh, and, hopefully, what there is in me to which you, the reader, can relate. By being here, you are joining and supporting our little chronic community-- so thank you, and welcome! Join me as I attempt to overcome my obstacles... because what's on the other side is so, so worth it. :)

How to say "Hi..."


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